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Ausritte auf dem Land

Ausritte auf dem Land führen Sie entlang einer wunderschönen Route weißer Straßen durch die sanften Hügel von Volterra, selbst während der suggestiven Sonnenuntergangsstunde an kühlen Sommerabenden.

Während des Unterrichts und der Fahrt interagieren Sie mit unseren Expertenlehrern (qualifizierte FISE-Lehrer des zweiten Levels), die Sie sicher führen und Ihnen interessante Fakten und Anekdoten über die Welt des Reitens auf Italienisch und Englisch mitteilen. Der Reitstil ist englisch. Aus Sicherheitsgründen dürfen Kinder unter 14 Jahren nicht außerhalb der Arena reiten.

Bei Ihrer Ankunft in unserem Stall werden Sie von Ihrem Lehrer begrüßt, der Ihnen einen Sicherheitshelm und grundlegende Informationen zur Sattelung des Pferdes und zum Reitstil gibt. Während der Bewertungsstunde lernen Sie, die Zügel zu halten und das Verhalten des Pferdes außerhalb der Arena zu verstehen. Die Fahrt beginnt in den sanften Hügeln, die Volterra umgeben, und führt entlang der Ufer des Gattero-Sees. Lassen Sie sich von den unvergesslichen Landschaften begeistern, die nur das Herz der Toskana bieten kann.

Am Ende der Tour haben Sie die Möglichkeit, unser Restaurant “La Cantina” nur wenige Schritte entfernt zu erreichen, um den wahren Geschmack der Toskana bei einem phantasievollen PICKNICK am See zu genießen, seine “luxuriöse” Version in unserem duftenden Zitronenhaus zu entdecken, ein Glas Wein mit einer Verkostung zu schlürfen oder unsere traditionellen Gerichte auf einer unserer Panoramaterrassen zu genießen.

Dieses Erlebnis ist abhängig von günstigen Wetterbedingungen und der Zugänglichkeit des Geländes.


60 Minuten Ausritt durch die Landschaft € 45
90 Minuten Ausritt durch die Landschaft € 60
120 Minuten Ausritt durch die Landschaft € 80 (Fortgeschrittene/Experten)
STARTUP-Option: Propädeutische Lektion (obligatorisch für absolute Anfänger) € 22


Auf Anfrage (in der Nebensaison können auch maßgeschneiderte Ausflüge organisiert werden)




Anfänger und erfahrene Reiter


Reitschule des Bio-Bauernhofs Diacceroni – Google Maps-Koordinaten: 43.496455, 10.777665


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Diacceroni ExperiencesAusgezeichnetDiacceroni Experiences4.9 Basierend auf 339 Bewertungen vonAlle Rezensionen anzeigen bewerte uns aufCamilla B.Camilla B. ★★★★☆ Bellissima esperienza… Airin, la ragazza della scuderia, davvero un amore, super professionale e durante la passeggiata a cavallo ci ha davvero fatti stare bene❤️ una favola!Ps. Una tettoietta per i cavalli accanto alle tende non sarebbe una brutta idea, li riparerebbe dal sole e dalla pioggiaResponse from the ownerCiao Camilla,grazie per le belle parole ed i preziosi consigli!Ci auguriamo che torniate presto a trovarci per godere pienamente di tutte le bellezze che la nostra struttura e la natura circostante possono offrirvi!Un abbraccio da tutti noi!🤗 Steph and Alex Bride and G.Steph and Alex Bride and G. ★★★★★ Me and my fiancé had a great experience here riding horses through beautiful Tuscan countryside with our very helpful and friendly guide Airin. The horses were calm and easy to ride and we were given a helpful lesson prior to our ride. Airin was kind enough to take some photos of us on our ride, to remember the happy memories for even longer! Highly recommend!Response from the ownerDear Steph and Alex,thank you for sharing with us your feelings about the horseback riding experience you had at Diacceroni! We are happy that you enjoyed it so much and hope you will come back to visit our Agriturismo soon!Warm greetings from Tuscany! 🌞 AndreaAndrea ★★★★★ Ho frequentato il corso di cocktail con Simone, mi sono trovato a mio agio, ha risposto a ogni mia curiosità ed è un' esperienza che consiglio a tutti gli appassionati del mondo dei cocktail.Response from the ownerCiao Andrea,grazie mille per le tue belle parole! Siamo felici che questa attività ti sia piaciuta e ci auguriamo che tu possa tornare presto a Diacceroni per provare nuove entusiasmanti esperienze!Ti aspettiamo! Un caloroso saluto dalla Toscana! 🌞 Claudia I.Claudia I. ★★★★★ Incredible truffle hunting experience with Elia and Nura! Thankyou!Response from the ownerDear Claudia,thank you for your positive feedback!Elia and Nura are a winning couple! They always manage to let people fall in love with this experience because of the passion and energy they transmit!We hope to have you as our most welcome guests again in the future to try new exciting activities!Warm greetings from Tuscany! 🌞 Adrian H.Adrian H. ★★★★★ Nice walk in the forest for a truffle hunt with Elia and his dog Nora. Elia is a very nice guy and he can tell you everything you ever wanted to know about truffles.Ms Q.Ms Q. ★★★★★ Unsere Woche auf dem Agriturismo Diacceroni hat uns sehr gefallen. Mit 3 Erwachsenen und 2 Teenagern hatten wir ein einfaches aber sehr schönes und passabel ausgestattetes Apartment, etwa 10 Autominuten entfernt. Besonders die Ausritte mit Airin und ihrem Team waren top – unkompliziert, motivierend und voller Energie hat Airin jedem von uns, ob jung oder alt, das Reiten zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis gemacht. Und ein bisschen von der toskanischen Landschaft vom Pferderücken aus erleben zu können, war einfach unvergesslich!Auch der Pasta-Kurs war genial. Gemeinsam Teig kneten, Pasta formen und das Selbstgemachte genießen – das hat uns allen richtig Spaß gemacht!Insgesamt haben Massi und sein herzliches Team uns bestens versorgt. Es wurde an alles gedacht, sodass man sich gut aufgehoben fühlte und perfekt entspannen konnte.Danke für die wunderbare Woche – wir kommen sicher wieder!Response from the ownerDear Ms Queenbee,we are very happy that you enjoyed your stay at Diacceroni so much!We always do our best to make our guests feel at home here and it seems we succeeded in our goal!We will wait for you in the future for new exciting activities at Diacceroni!Big hugs from all of us!🤗 Einat S.Einat S. ★★★★★ We did a lovely cooking class with Lucia and Naeema. A fun activity for families.Response from the ownerDear Einat,we are happy that you enjoyed this experience so much!We hope that you will come back soon to our Agriturismo to enjoy new exciting activities!Warm greetings from all of us! 🌞 Claudia S.Claudia S. ★★★★★ Wir haben tolle Herbstferien verbracht! Das Essen ist lecker, die Unterkünfte sind sehr sauber. Mit Airin konnten wir tolle Reitausflüge machen. Rica, Nikita und Bully sind tolle Pferde, Airin eine tolle Reitlehrerin. Viel Spaß und tolle Galoppstrecken verschafften uns viel Spaß! Auf baldiges Wiedersehen 🙌Response from the ownerDear Claudia,we are happy that you enjoyed your holiday at Diacceroni so much!Airin is a thoughtful instructor who always manages to make her guests feel at ease and everybody fall in love with her manners! 😍We will wait for you again soon at our beautiful Agriturismo!Warm greetings from Tuscany! ☀️ Tjasa S.Tjasa S. ★★★★★ Wir hatten auf Agritourismo Diacceroni eine sehr schöne Zeit. Wir waren von Airin und ihrem Team, das sich dort um die Pferde kümmert sehr begeistert. Unsere Kinder konnten beim Pferdepflegen helfen und das Reiten näher kennenlernen. Für uns Erwachsene war es möglich die toskanische Landschaft beim Ausreiten zu erleben-dies war eine sehr tolle Erfahrung, die wir auf jeden Fall weiter empfehlen. Neben den Pferden gab es vor Ort auch den Hund Gordon und 3 Kaninchen, welche für den zusätzlichen Kuschel-Spass sorgten. Mit dem Gordon durften die Kinder auch jederzeit unkompliziert spazieren gehen. Wir haben uns in die dortige Landschaft und Herzlichkeit der Menschen verliebt und hoffen, bald wieder kommen zu können.Response from the ownerDear Tjasa,thank you for your positive feedback!We are happy that you enjoyed your holiday in nature so much! Being in touch with our animals is always fulfilling and the beautiful scenery that our location offers complete an ideal holiday far from the chaos of big cities!We hope you will come back soon to Diacceroni for new enthralling adventures!Big hugs from all of us! 🤗 Bryan T.Bryan T. ★★★★★ Truffeljacht gedaan met aansluitend een borreltje en kleine hapjes met truffel.De gids was erg enthousiast en vertelde alles wat je wilt weten van truffels. Daarna met z'n allen plus de hond het bos in om truffels te zoeken. Hele leuke activiteitResponse from the ownerDear Bryan,thank you for your enthusiasm! Elia and his dog always involve his guests in the hunts so that they fall in love with these experiences!We hope to have you again as our most welcome guests soon!Big hugs from all of us! 🤗 CathyCathy ★★★★★ Alex was fantastic for the wine tasting! He is very knowledgeable and I gained a lot of insights. Diacceroni is absolutely the best place to stay. Beautiful scenery, fantastic restaurant, great activities and the staff is extremely friendly. They go above and beyond to be helpful.We attended the Pizza Making Class taught by Amir and it was excellent. Amir walked us step by step through making authentic Italian pizza. He carefully explained the ingredients and the process and we all were successful in creating our own pizza. He was loads of fun!Lucia taught a pasta making class and she was awesome. The class was large but she was highly organized and her demonstrations were very clear. Everyone had a wonderful time and we were all successful in the pasta making!Response from the ownerDear Cathy,thank you for your kind words! We are very happy that you enjoyed your holiday at Diacceroni so much! 😍We hope you will choose our Agriturismo again in the future for your next holidays!Big hugs from all of us! 🤗 Monica P.Monica P. ★★★★★ Our party thoroughly enjoyed our wine tasting with dinner tonight. Alex was very knowledgeable and answered all of our questions. The food was so delicious and the wine was excellent. We had a fantastic evening all around.We also had a ton of fun at the pizza making class with Amir. Amir really broke down the process of making our own dough so that I feel like I might actually be able to make it at home. The entire class was very interesting and entertaining.Response from the ownerDear Monica,thank you for your kind words!It's been a real pleasure meeting you!We hope you will be able to come back soon to Diacceroni for new exciting experiences!Warm hugs from all of us! 🤗 Alisa J.Alisa J. ★★★★★ Had a great time, very informative. Nura is an expert hunter! Elia provided tons of information on how to buy truffles ourselves and we enjoyed hearing his passion for truffle hunting.Response from the ownerDear Alisa,thank you very much!We are happy that you enjoyed the truffle hunt experience so much and hope you will come back to Diacceroni soon to try new exciting activities! 🤗 Shelley K.Shelley K. ★★★★★ A fantastic fresh pasta cooking course in a beautiful setting. During the course you receive lots of help if you're struggling (like me). Afterwards you eat your own made pasta overlooking the beautiful tuscan hills. Very friendly staff, would recommend!Response from the ownerDear Shelley,we are happy to hear that you felt cuddled by our staff and learnt so many things!We are sure you will be able to make delicious pasta at home thanks to the precious advise you received by our chefs!Hope to have you back at Diacceroni in the near future!🤗 Claire P.Claire P. ★★★★★ We had the best time, stunning location, beautiful food and fantastic hosts. Thank you so much! Strongly recommend 🍝Response from the ownerDear Claire,thank you for your positive feedback!We are happy that you felt at home with us and we hope you will be able to visit us again in the future to try new exciting experiences!Big hugs from all of us! 🤗 Paul Z.Paul Z. ★★★★★ Beautiful scenery, excellent and very friendly staff. Relaxing. Great food.Response from the ownerDear Paul,it's been a pleasure to meet your family and Zac in particular will be forever in our hearts!😍We will wait for you in the near future to cuddle you all! 🤗 Jana DJana D ★★★★★ Wir waren heute für einen Pasta Kurs Vorort. Es war traumhaft. Bei bester Kulisse haben wir von Naima und Martina die Künste Italienischer Nudeln kennengelernt. Die Nudeln waren super lecker. Tolle Location, Tolles Team, Fabelhaftes Essen. Nur zu empfehlen!Response from the ownerDear Jana,thank you for your positive feedback!We are glad to have made you feel part of our family and we are sure that you will be able to make delicious pasta at home with the help of our chef's precious teaching!We hope to have you back un the near future for new experiences!Warm greetings from Tuscany! 🌞 Luca V.Luca V. ★★★★☆ Esperienza breve ma positiva nonostante il meteo inclemente. Cena con degustazione dei vini buona ed interessante, bravo il Sommelier. Da rifare, la consiglio!Response from the ownerGentilissimo Luca,grazie mille per averci scelto! Nonostante il tempo instabile, siamo riusciti a farvi trascorrere una bella vacanza seppur breve e di questo siamo molto contenti!Ci auguriamo che torniate presto a trovarci!Un abbraccio da tutto lo Staff 🤗 Tessa K.Tessa K. ★★★★★ It was a very nice wine tasting. Alex was awesome, wines were great, locaties is beautifull and food tasted deliciousResponse from the ownerDear Tessa,it's been a pleasure meeting you!We are happy that you enjoyed your experience so much!Warm greetings from Tuscany! 🌞 James D.James D. ★★★★★ We had a great day hunting truffles! The truffle dog was amazing and the guide was very knowledgable and charming.Response from the ownerDear James,thank you for your kind words!Our truffle hunter is a well of knowledge and people always are fascinated by his explanations! His dog is adorable! 😍We hope you will come back to our Agriturismo and send you our best wishes! AlexAlex ★★★★★ Haben den pasta Kurs besucht, Lucia war eine wunderbare Lehrerin und hat uns alles verständlich und mit Humor vorgemacht und erklärt.Das Essen danach war üppig und wurde von Wein und Getränken begleitet. Auch ein Dessert wurde dazu gereicht.Würden es wieder buchen ☺️☀️Response from the ownerDear Alex,we are happy that you enjoyed this experience so much! Lucia is a professional teacher who always manages to convey her enthusiasm to our guests!We hope you will be able to come back to Diacceroni in the near future to try new exciting experiences!Warm greetings from Tuscany! 🌞 Karlijn T.Karlijn T. ★★★★★ Tajda M.Tajda M. ★★★★★ Top of the top. Food and wine was incredible. Staff was really nice and professional. When wine tasting they included every detail from grapes to wine. We learned a lot and really enjoyed our time here.Response from the ownerDear Tajda,thank you for your kind words! Our wine expert Alessandro always shares his passion for his job with our guests and manages to let them fall in love with our wines and food too!We hope to have you back soon at Diacceroni for new exciting experiences!Warm greetings from Tuscany!☀️ KevinKevin ★★★★★ Das Winetasting war sehr gut und sehr professionell. Die Gerichte, die serviert wurden waren sehr gut und passend zu den Weinen gewählt.Es wird die Weinproduktion erklärt sowie deren Gütesiegel. Ist für jedermann sehr zu empfehlen, man entdeckt die Welt der Weine ganz neu sowie die Komposition zwischen Wein und Gericht.Response from the ownerDear Kevin,thank you for your kind words!Our wine expert is very professional and has a special passion for his job that he transmits to our guests!We hope that you will come back to our Agriturismo again in the near future to experience new exciting activities!Warm greetings from Tuscany! 🌞 Carlo A.Carlo A. ★★★★★ Il corso di pasta fresca è stato bellissimo!!! Spiegato molto bene… ci siamo divertiti e il tempo è veramente volato!! Per non parlare poi del pranzo!!! Delizioso!! Esperienza unica che consiglieremo agli amici! Grazie!Il personale dell’ agriturismo è veramente gentile e disponibile.Il corso per la pizza condotto da Amir (spero sia scritto correttamente)in modo semplice ed esaustivo .Le sue pizze sono eccezionali, leggere e ben digeribili . OttimoResponse from the ownerCiao Carlo,grazie mille per le belle parole!Siamo davvero felici che abbiate apprezzato il corso di Amir e la sua ottima pizza!Ci auguriamo che vogliate tornare presto a Diacceroni per farvi coccolare da tutti noi!Un caro saluto da tutto lo Staff 🤗 PaulinePauline ★★★★★ Wir sind begeistert!Ihr wollt lernen, wie man Nudeln einfach zu Hause machen kann?Auch noch auf einer traumhaften Farm, mit unglaublichem Ausblick?Und einem sehr netten und lustigen Team?Dann müsst ihr hier lernen wie man Nudeln kocht!Es ist wie Meditation.Es wird einem gezeigt wie man die Nudeln kocht und dann bereitet jeder seine Nudeln an seinem Tisch zu.Währenddessen gibt es kostenlose Getränke.Im Anschluss werden die Nudeln gekocht und mit Soße serviert.Wir haben drei verschiedene Sorten gemacht.Es war ein absolutes Highlight!Response from the ownerDear Pauline,thank you very much for your enthusiastic words!We are very happy that you enjoyed your experience so much and really hope that you will be able to come back to our Agriturismo soon to try new exciting activities.Warm hugs from all of us! 🤗🌞 Andrea S.Andrea S. ★★★★★ Ein zauberhafter, authentischer Ort mit ehrlicher Gastfreundschaft. Etwas abgeschieden, aber dafür sind die schönsten, italienischen Städte eine/eineinhalb Autostunden entfernt.Response from the ownerDear Andrea,thank you for your kind words!Our structure is in the middle of the countryside, immersed in the beautiful hills of Volterra and surrounded by stunning sceneries!We hope that you will come back to Diacceroni soon, to try new exciting experiences!Warm greetings from Tuscany!🌞 Silvia G.Silvia G. ★★★★★ Il corso di pasta fresca con Ilenia è stato spettacolare, l' ho frequentato con mio figlio. Ilenia è stata bravissima a mostrarci tutti i procedimenti, ci ha fatto sentire come in famiglia.Porteremo i suoi consigli a casa e prepareremo la pasta fresca insieme come ci ha insegnato.Response from the ownerCiao Silvia,é stato un piacere conoscere te e la tua bellissima famiglia! Abbiamo notato con piacere che avete apprezzato molto le esperienze fatte a Diacceroni e ci auguriamo di riavervi presto nostri graditissimi ospiti per continuare a coccolarvi! 😍Un caloroso saluto da tutti noi!🌞 js_loader

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